

Co-chairs appointed to Waikato Wellbeing Advisory Board

Community leaders Delwyn Abraham and Mike Rolton have been appointed co-chairs of the Waikato Wellbeing Project (WWP) Kaitiaki Advisory Board. 

Harvey Brookes, WWP Executive Director, said Delwyn and Mike’s appointment provides fresh perspectives and an extraordinary depth of experience to ensure the WWP delivers on the expectations of our communities.

Delwyn, of Waikato-Maniapoto, Ngāti Whātua and Ngā Puhi descent, was endorsed by Waikato-Tainui. She has a wealth of experience in both private and public sector endeavours across Aotearoa as well as a deep appreciation of cultural, social and economic wellbeing in the Waikato. 

Mike is the General Manager of St Vincent de Paul Hamilton and works with communities to improve the wellbeing of our most vulnerable citizens on a daily basis. His career spans local, national and international business and not-for-profit sectors.

Delwyn sees her appointment as an incredible opportunity to be a part of the WWP movement. She said, “The WWP is a vehicle for meaningful, innovative change across our diverse communities. Its success is reliant on the collective and inclusive approach that generates greater equitable outcomes for our mokopuna to flourish.”

For Mike, being involved in the WWP is important because being able to make a difference in our community is the key to our future. He said, “I want to help the WWP to clear a path for our tamariki and rangatahi to thrive. By working together as a community, we all benefit.”

Delwyn and Mike are joined on the advisory board by Justin Connolly, Dujon Cullingford, Maxine Graham, Samantha Lee, Jannat Maqbool, Don Scarlet and Chris Williams. 

“Our board comprises of experienced community leaders who bring a wide range of perspectives and strong skillsets in systems thinking, human-centred design, social change and te ao Māori,” said Mr Brookes, who wishes the new board all the best in their mahi which lies ahead.

The Kaitiaki Advisory Board will meet for its inaugural hui on Monday, 23 August. Short profiles for each board member can be viewed online here