Rangatahi | Youth
The Waikato Wellbeing Project’s Lead Social Innovator Joe Wilson recently facilitated a community led Kaupapa bringing together businesses and the youth sector service providers.
They are working together to find solutions, opportunities and better ways of recruiting and retaining young people into employment in the Waikato.
Want to learn more about our previous initiatives?
The Waikato Rangatahi Opportunity
Utilising our kete of innovation tools the Waikato Wellbeing Project aims to accelerate impact through uncovering insights and breakthrough thinking.
The Waikato Rangatahi Opportunity aims to uncover root causes and insights that fundamentally transforms systems that deliver greater outcomes for rangatahi, whānau and our wider community.
The Rangatahi Opportunity Case for Change
The showcase "YOUTHink you know: The Rangatahi Opportunity" is an ode to not just the work done by the team, but the work each of our rangatahi interviewed, and their supporting systems do (and continue to do) to ensure that we're always moving forward, always learning and grasping opportunities.
Our wellbeing target is that all of our young people are engaged and productive, they are learning or learning a livelihood, their mana is enhanced, and they are on a positive pathway to have many life options.
Our employers can find motivated staff with the knowledge and skills they need to get started, and the means to learn more.
*In 2019, the overall NEET rate for the Waikato is 12.6%, but the rate is 19.3% for Maori and 16.8% for Pasifika.