The Waikato Responsible Consumption Challenge

Our region is producing less waste through designing waste out of our daily lives, we’re reusing things where we can, and we’re using innovative and effective systems for recycling.

Circularising Organics in the Waikato

Webinar: Tuesday 6 August 2024

Join the Waikato Wellbeing Project Manu Taki for SDG12 along with guest speakers, Liam Prince, Rachel Glasier and Paul Murray as they discuss how a local community approach to organics fit into responsible consumption and production.

The Waikato Responsible Consumption Challenge

Join the Waikato Wellbeing Project Manu Taki for SDG12 along with guest speakers, Te Rua Wallace, Gary Kelk,Phil Holland and Liz Stanway as they discuss the Waikato Responsible Consumption Challenge.

Opening Karakia

Rick Thorpe
SDG 12, existing and developing networks 
What is SDG 12 and what is circular economy and the waste hierarchy?

Waikato Regional Council

Valerie Bianchi
Originally from the US, I have called Whāingaroa Raglan home for the past 12 years where I live with my growing family and extended whanau. In that time I have had the opportunity to work with a number of environmentally focused organisations and have learned from inspiring thinkers. As Waste Prevention Advisor for WRC I aim to accelerate waste prevention and transition to a circular economy through research, partnership and supporting networks for the wellbeing of our people and planet.

Aotearoa New Zealand context and Te Ao Maori perspective

Te Rua Wallace
Nō Te Arawa, Tūwharetoa, Te Atihaunui-a-Pāpārangi ahau.
Being raised through Kōhanga Reo and Kura Kaupapa Māori has shaped my relationship with te taiao.
On one hand for me caring and maintaining the mana and mauri of Papatūānuku looks like living a lifestyle that doesn't further degrade Papatūānuku and on the other hand it looks like spending time outside, singing about her, talking about her, and sharing kōrero about her to others.

Community based resource recovery – the developing network in the Region

Gary Kelk
– Envision/Community Based Peer Support 
I have been providing enterprise management, financial management and governance services in the community enterprise sector for over 20 years. My focus has been on working with and for community organisations that are implementing Zero Waste and Healthy Housing initiatives. The key aim has been to empower these enterprises to develop and take on more contracted and commercial services. I provide services to Envision NZ who are contracted to deliver to the Waikato Regional Council The Community Enterprise Peer Support Project – focussing on supporting the establishment of a network of Community Recycling Centres across the region.

The Business Perspective

Phil Holland
- Mynoke
MyNoke are the world’s largest Earthworm Farmers based right here in the mighty Waikato. Our mission is simple. Preparing Aotearoa New Zealand’s soils for climate change. To do this we will divert 1 million tonnes per year of organic waste from landfills and use the natural power or our Noke (Earthworms) to reduce and transform this waste into valuable vermicast (worm poop).
Phil Holland is the GM of MyNoke and along with his human and earthworm team are 100% committed to this mission.

Circularising organics project overview

Valerie Bianchi
- Waikato Regional Council

Xtreme Zero Waste Organics Journey 

Liz Stanway
– Xtreme Zero Waste
Liz Stanway works with Xtreme Zero Waste Limited a community, not for profit enterprise located in Whaingaroa/Raglan. Liz is passionate about regenerative agriculture, food resilience and soil building. A passion to see Organic Resources retained in the community for local food growing led Liz to become instrumental in developing XZW’s initiative to set up a household kerbside foodwaste collection and a large scale community composting facility at the Raglan Resource Recovery Centre. Designed within the concept of Circular Economy and local food resilience this operation was rolled out in 2017 and has operated continuously for 5 years, even through Covid 19. The Horizontal Composting Unit processes foodwaste and chipped greenwaste weekly and is currently processing between 3 and 5 tonnes of foodwaste per week and approximately the same amount of greenwaste mulch. Greenwaste that can’t be chipped is windrow composted at the same site as the horizontal composting unit and the small range of quality compost products produced which are all sold locally.


Rick Thorpe
– Xtreme Zero Waste
Rick is a Founder of Xtreme Zero Waste community enterprise based in Raglan. He is currently a Trustee Director although has held many different positions within Xtreme over the last 22 years. 

Rick is also a Founder Trustee for the Zero Waste Network and has been on the Board for the last 17 years or so. Rick has held numerous other positions with other zero waste organisations including Te Mauri Tau, Pacific Vision Aotearoa and Waiuku Zero Waste. He has been involved in numerous zero waste projects throughout the country and is currently an independent advisor to Auckland Council around community resource recovery. 

Rick has been on numerous national working parties and sector groups including current participation in WasteMINZ Resource Recovery Sector Group.

Closing Karakia - Rick Thorpe

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in the Waikato Responsible Consumption Challenge