

Rangatahi Opportunity-October 2021-Panui

Kia ora tātou katoa,

Thank you for attending our Virtual Kick-off Event - your support and feedback has been so invaluable to us! Our Youth Innovators are excited to be working with such a diverse range of passionate collaborators.

Due to the Waikato Region being placed under the COVID-19 Alert Level 3 setting - as with most of you - we have had to move all of our operations to the virtual world.



We are wanting to kōrero with rangatahi who are in the following situations, with a high representation of Māori and Pasifika voices:

  • Aged 16-21 - key transition period, whether in education or not.
  • Aged 15-18 with experience in state care, or other interactions with Oranga Tamariki.
  • Aged 15-18 with experience in the justice system, or other interactions with the Ministry of Justice.
  • Young people who are accessing a Work & Income benefit and/or otherwise considered "not engaged in education, employment, or training".

If you are able to connect us, please let us know! There will be a koha provided for all rangatahi who participate. More information can be found here

Here are some ways you can collaborate with us!

One notable change is that we are now holding Kawhe & Kōrero online. When we return to Alert Level 2, we will be able to host you in-person in our office at Impact Hub Waikato.

Feel free to join us for a virtual kawhe this Thursday 21 October at 10am HERE.

Another development is that we have renamed the "Taniwha Den" to "Kōhanga Taniwha", reflecting our intention for all of our community to be involved in growing our solutions for, and with, rangatahi.

There are many ways for you to be involved with the mahi - reach out and have a chat with us if there is another way you would like to collaborate.

22nd - 27th November*

Join the team, rangatahi and other collaborators as we delve into identifying existing and creating new solutions to realise our target. We'll be running a series of Codesign hui across the week.

Further details to come. *dependant on alert levels

Noho ora mai koe,