

June Manu Taki Hui

Consistent with our kaupapa of being flax-roots led and informed by lived experience, a key component of the wider leadership model of the WWP has been the call for manu taki to join with the WWP movement.

Manu means bird, Taki means to entice, to lead, to bring along. Manu taki therefore symbolises leadership, uplift and succession. Our Manu Taki are leaders who can catalysing the Waikato wellbeing targets into action. As with a murmuration of flocking birds, our Manu Taki are not alone if we share the load, together we will go further.  Te Ao Māori principles recognises the need to effectively integrate services to navigate turbulent and shifting wind currents. To achieve their common goal, the lead Manu Taki is dependent on the cooperation and discipline of others to chart the safest and quickest flight.

We are currently reviewing the Manu Taki model to explore its next evolution and options, to make sure that we keep moving towards the goals and kaupapa of the Waikato Wellbeing Project. A hui was held on 7 June to explore these questions and opportunities with our current Manu Taki.

We are currently taking the results of this work to further develop and update the Manu Taki model. Irrespective of any changes, we  would love to hear from people and grass-roots leaderships who are keen to join the wellbeing movement as Manu Taki in the following areas where we have either no Manu Taki or a small number:

SDG 5: Gender Equality

SDG 6: Clean Rivers

SDG 7: Clean and Affordable Energy

SDG 9: Innovation and Infrastructure

SDG 14: Healthy Oceans

SDG 15: Biodiversity

SDG 16: Peace and Justice

If you are interested, please contact Harvey at