

Community Led Youth and Business Collective

As part of the cross-sector collaboration including the ‘Stronger Together’ Business Collective and the Kirikiriroa Youth Sector Services, the WWP has facilitated this ongoing community led project to build a united relationship between the business and youth service sectors.

The bringing together of both sectors was carefully documented and captures the whakawhanaungatanga as it happened and the sharing of, what were both polarising and shared perspectives and experiences. The result was an exciting first step in deciphering how both sectors can move forward to support each other, to maintain ongoing relationships and to develop training to ensure our businesses are best equipped to pastorally and culturally able to support our rangatahi into employment and to grow as people.

Lead Social Innovator, Joe Wilson, travelled down to Pōneke Wellington this month to present the WWP’s “Community Led Youth Employment kaupapa” at the Youth Employability Aotearoa Symposium.  The response from youth service providers and businesses across the country were inspired by the work we are doing here in the Waikato and shared their gratitude for the video documenting the process and will use it as a tool to replicate similar kaupapa in their own communities.

While at the YEA Symposium, the WWP also teamed up with Te Wananga o Aotearoa’s Youth Service Manager Michelle Lye, E2E Lead Jami Dickson and Mayors Taskforce for Jobs Otorohanga Elle Freestone and started drafting more exciting plans to replicate this forum of local ethically minded businesses and youth service/education providers in our rural communities. Taking every opportunity, we can to keep connecting and collaborating so watch this space!