

Congratulations Dujon Cullingford!

Kaitiaki Advisory Board member Dujon Cullingford was recently awarded a civic award for services to the community by Mayor Paula Southgate.

Dujon says “his journey started in the hood with parents who valued expression. Stumbling into dance, church, youthwork and Hip Hop culture young, took me to places I would have never imagined and built a strong base. The amazing mentors and people I've had in my life since have influenced me for the better, helping me grow and serve community, youth and the arts meaningfully.”

Dujon makes a massive contribution to the work of the Waikato Wellbeing Project- not only as a Kaitiaki Advisory Board member but also wearing his multiple hats (literally!) at as community and youth leader, activator and champion. We are so proud to have Dujon on the team and share everybody’s excitement with his well-deserved recognition- mauri ora Duj!