

Long Term Plans - Regional and District Submissions

It’s Long-Term Plan season!

Think ‘festive season’, but more logos than baubles and more strategy documents than greeting cards. What Long-Term Plan season has given us this year, however, is an opportunity to come to the table with a bunch of our community capacity-building whānau around the region to raise our collective voice. Think carol singing, but with more verses.

The WWP are proud to have worked collaboratively with Community Waikato, Creative Waikato, Go Eco, Seed Waikato, and HMS Trust on this mahi. Together, we have made submissions to the Waikato Regional Council, as well as the Hamilton City, Waikato and Waipa District Councils in response to their Long Term Plan/Annual Plan consultations. These joint submissions reflect the shared vision and aspirations of those working to enhance the capacity, capability, and well-being of the local landscape. It embraces a holistic approach to building thriving communities.

Many of these same organisations worked together to host the community hui Thriving Tomorrow: Navigating Resilience in March this year. These powerful collaborations, both hui and submissions, let us demonstrate our collective values and highlight the power that exists within our collective solutions and connections.

As the submissions remind us, “By prioritising people in our budgetary decisions, collaborating for community partnerships, and nurturing imagination and creativity, we can pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient future starting now.” It is important that those of us who share these values stand together and encourage Councils to do what they can to support these ends.

These submissions we developed in partnership with;

  • Community Waikato

  • Creative Waikato

  • Go Eco

  • HMS Trust

  • Seed Waikato

See below to view these submissions in full.