Delwyn Abraham (Co-Chair)
Of Ngaati Mahuta, Ngaatu Patu Poo, Ngaati Whawhakia, Ngaati Amaru, Ngaa Puhi and Ngaati Whaatua descent, Delwyn is currently the Maaori Health Manager for ACC. Previously Delwyn was the Principal Regional Advisor (Waikato) for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Te Waananga o Aotearoa as the Head of Operations ki Te Waenga and twenty years with Spark NZ.
Delwyn holds many community leadership roles including as Chair of the Waikato Community Lands Trust, a board member of Waikato Tainui College of Research and Development, Trustee of Korowai o Maata Trust and Trustee for Te Patu Poo Iwi Trust and Director of Keep it Maaori Ltd. She also directs three of her own businesses which provide housing for whaanau within her iwi and farming opportunities for her wider whanau.
Delwyn attained her indigenous MBA with the University of Waikato in conjunction with the Waikato-Tainui College of Research and Development in 2018. She has a post-graduate Diploma in Business Management from the University of Waikato (2016).