Our Wellbeing Targets

Waikato Wellbeing Targets

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all with 17 goals and over 239 targets. These goals are globally-recognised and have the power to end poverty, fight inequality and act on climate change.

The SDGs have been grouped into three clusters - Environment, Community and Economy - with the central pou acting as our cultural compass to incorporate Te Ao Māori throughout the Waikato Wellbeing Project.

Our 10 collective Waikato wellbeing targets for achieving a more environmentally sustainable, prosperous and inclusive Waikato by 2030

Achieving our target means that

Our children can thrive because none are hungry at school or cold at home. They can afford to participate in social, artistic, cultural and sporting activities.

None of our children are hungry

*this is the before-housing cost relative poverty measure, it is 1 in 4 once housing costs are accounted for

Achieving our target means that

Our people are healthy and well. 

We live in an environment that is conducive to good health, and we keep active with a range of sporting, cultural, creative and artistic activities which is a gateway to emotional happiness.

*Specific disease rates to be tracked are to be determined in consultation with the DHB

Achieving our target means that

All of our young people are engaged and productive, they are learning or learning a livelihood, their mana is enhanced, and they are on a positive pathway to have many life options.

Our employers can find motivated staff with the knowledge and skills they need to get started, and the means to learn more.

*In 2019, the overall NEET rate for the Waikato is 12.6%, but the rate is 19.3% for Maori and 16.8% for Pasifika.

Achieving our target means that

Our waterways contribute to the health of our regions, like the veins of a healthy body.

“I am the river, and the river is me. If the river is unwell, I am unwell”

* Swimmable - in this context “swimmable” for rivers is defined as per the E. coli Attribute table in the NPSFM (2014; amended 2017). “Swimmable” for lakes is defined as per the planktonic cyanobacteria attribute table in NPSFM (2017).

Achieving our target means that

All of our people, including those on fixed incomes (like the elderly and unemployed), can live in a warm energy efficient home, with reliable affordable clean energy.

*A working definition of energy hardship is those spending more than 10% of their income on energy in a month

Achieving our target means that

All of our people will be well housed.

*We have used the UN rights to adequate housing entitlements in our definition for ‘well housed’. ’Well housed’ means timely access to habitable, affordable, accessible, culturally appropriate, appropriately located, housing with security of tenure.

Achieving our target means that

Our region is producing less waste through designing waste out of our daily lives, we’re reusing things where we can, and we’re using innovative and effective systems for recycling.

Achieving our target means that

Our people will be doing their part to transition to a cleaner, healthier, climate resilient region.

*We think we could reduce by more and will check this in two years time to see if we can make a more ambitious target

Achieving our target means that

Our coastal ecosystems are healthy reflecting the mauri from the mountains to the sea and provide for the enjoyment by people for swimming, collecting food and other activities

Achieving our target means that

Our land is restored, our water is clean, and our native vegetation and flora and fauna thrive.

We are looking for a Waikato Wellbeing target to elevate gender equality.

We are looking for a Waikato Wellbeing target to help us build sustainable industry, innovation and infrastructure in our region.

We are looking for a Waikato Wellbeing Smart target to build peace, justice and strong institutions in Waikato.

Join us in the movement to create a more sustainable, prosperous and inclusive Waikato region by 2030.

What about the other SDG Targets?

We're calling for people to help source further detail to help define these targets for the Waikato. 

Join us in catalysing the Waikato wellbeing movement.

We are looking for a Waikato Wellbeing target to elevate gender equality.

We are looking for a Waikato Wellbeing target to help us build sustainable industry, innovation and infrastructure in our region.

We are looking for a Waikato Wellbeing Smart target to build peace, justice and strong institutions in Waikato.

Join us in the movement to create a more sustainable, prosperous and inclusive Waikato region by 2030.

What about the youth?