Bruce Clarkson SDG15: Life on Land
Waikato University professor Bruce Clarkson says the Waikato Wellbeing project is a natural fit with his “bread and butter” biodiversity work.
“Mostly all of this policy - like life on land, and life below water - are fundamental to a research programme that I have been running all my life, really.”
Prof Clarkson is a Manu Taki for the Waikato Wellbeing Project and an enthusiastic champion of it. He is aligned with SDG 15: Life on Land.
“Ever since I arrived here, at the university, I have been trying to make a difference on the ground, not just talking about stuff but actually trying to connect with activities and programmes where people are trying to make a difference.”
“Linking in with the Waikato Wellbeing Project was just common sense. They are things I have been trying to do all my career anyway.”
Prof Clarkson, who with his wife Bev was this year awarded the coveted Hamilton-Kirikiriroa Medal, have dedicated their working life to protecting biodiversity and ecosystems.
He is most well known for his work around restoring damaged or depleted ecosystems in cities including Hamilton’s extensive gullies network.
Heathy biodiversity systems (nature) and wellbeing, go hand in hand, and he would like to see progress accelerate.
“I am really keen to see that the Wellbeing Project is not just about talking. We have done a fair bit of talking already. The bottom line is, how are we actually mobilising action on the ground?”
“Anything that helps to build awareness and get the snowball rolling. This has been really good for that I think.”
“People now know about the project, it had the most magnificent launch you can imagine, but people will now be watching and saying, OK, what difference are they making?”