Rachel Karalus: SD10: Reduced Inequalities
Wellbeing is at the heart of the Pan Pasifika Community Hub currently under construction in Hamilton.
So, it made sense for the charitable trust Ka’ute Pasifika to be involved in the Waikato Wellbeing Project. Its CEO Rachael Karalus is the Manu Taki for SDG10: Reduced inequality.
“Capital building is really exciting, but what is even more exciting for us is the integrated model of wellbeing service that we will be able to deliver from a bigger space.”
The Pan Pasifika Hub will include an integrated health centre, an early childhood learning facility and an open fale-style space for community and cultural events.
A Pacifica pedagogy is being developed for the early learning centre.
“This is really about responding to a community need as informed by the community.” It is also the realisation of a long-held dream for the Waikato Pasifika community to have a central hub.
Karalus likes the collaborative approach of the WWP. “It was an easy sell for us.”
“For an organisation like ours which is spread thin, I think it means shared accountability so it’s not just one organisation or community group or individual carrying the responsibility for a particular pillar of wellbeing.”
“But it is actually shared responsibility across sector stakeholders and partners, for things which which everyone will benefit from.”
Karalus says Ka’ute Pasifika has always had a good relationship with WEL Energy Trust through Dave Cowley and Raewyn Jones.
“The aspiration to improve outcomes for people in a more holistic way was always something quite genuine for WEL Energy Trust.”
“For a small pacific provider in the Waikato region we haven’t had the visibility in mainstream spaces so to be included and represented is a bit of a milestone for us.”
“And, also to have support for the objectives we are already trying to achieve on a broad platform is quite meaningful for us.”
Karalus, who has a background as a commercial litigator, says while that was ‘thrilling work’, “it wasn’t it wasn’t really hitting many high notes for me, from a values perspective.”
“I needed to be in an environment where I could have a positive impact on people.”
The Pan Pasifika Hub is on track to open next year.