The Waikato Wellbeing Project is a regional initiative to achieve a more environmentally sustainable, prosperous and inclusive Waikato region by 2030 and beyond.
Business Plan 2024-25
This business plan sets out the priorities for the Waikato Wellbeing Project for the next 12 months (May 2024-April 2025).
The plan reflects work by the WWP project team and Kaitiaki Advisory Board, conversations with funders, Manu Taki and project stakeholders in 2023 and early 2024.

Here in the Waikato, we have a remarkable opportunity – an opportunity to realise the powerful possibilities of our region: to sustainability develop a region of abundance.
The Waikato Wellbeing Project is a regional initiative to achieve a more environmentally sustainable, prosperous and inclusive Waikato region by 2030 and beyond. Mātauranga and Te Ao Māori (Māori world view) principles are embedded Waikato Wellbeing Project.
Current Research
Tell us what matters most
Tukua tō reo kia rere

The following describes the 10 Waikato Wellbeing targets we believe are most likely to lead to an environmentally sustainable, prosperous, and inclusive Waikato region by 2030 and beyond.
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